Stephen Jacob (mavjop) wrote,
Stephen Jacob

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"7th Son" according to Sigler!

  "If you're not listening to J.C. Hutchins' 7th Son, you're missing out. Seriously, that's some good freebasing audio meth."
-- Scott Sigler

What a great compliment. :-) From a highly talented author, too.

If you're not yet listening to 7th Son, seriously, do yourself a favour. (1) Start listening and (2) begin at the beginning. The start of 7th Son Book One: Descent. I've been a fan of J.C.'s for quite a while now. He is one heck of a talented fellow, and a nice guy to boot (though not above "cliffhangering" us horribly!).

Speaking of Scott, you really should listen to his audiobooks too.

My favourite of all (which is weird, because I'm not an American Football fan) is "The Rookie", however all of his books are really good.

His new, upcoming novel is due to drop (podcast, that is), rather appropriately if I know Scott (and I do), on Halloween.
Tags: amusing, books, cool, free, media, podcasts, podiobooks, sci-fi

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